Impact-Report Fall-2021 8x8 01.26.2022 Digital - Flipbook - Page 3
In addition to the work we do, as a parent I have seen the historic impact COVID has had on
families and school systems the last few years. My wife is a school nurse. Through her, I have
witnessed the bravery of school staff, teachers, volunteers, and administrators who face the
unknown with courage and adjust on a dime to make the best of a hard situation.
I have tremendous respect and a pervading sense of gratitude for the 1,700 schools who
trusted Booster to help them profit over $50.7 million this fall. Within these pages, you will
find touching stories that go beyond the funds raised to the heart of the incredible impact
these funds have on students and school systems.
Stories like these are what drive us to put schools’ needs first, constantly improving
technology and processes for an ever-better experience as we develop our people to be
the best they can be for students. I’m excited for what the future holds and the new
opportunities on the horizon to increase our impact by serving schools even more deeply in
the future.
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from Stephen!
Stephen Murray
President & COO